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  • The law and policy as the powerful control tools have irreplaceable effects on the development of the zone
  • The political modernize development required the state power to permeating to the substratum society by strengthening the social control
  • ( 3 ) we should perfect social controlling system , so criminals cannot find the right chance to do the wrongs
    使其清醒地认识到法网恢恢、疏而不漏; ( 3 )完善社会控制体系,堵塞漏洞,不给犯罪分子以可乘之机。
  • The existence and development of human society call for stable social order which can be achieved by means of social control
  • According to the guiding principles and social management patterns , national administration is of two forms : rule by law and rule of virtue
    根据国家治理准则和社会控制模式,治国方略有两种基本形态: “法治”和“德治” 。
  • Society control on hand is behind the technology development traditions mass media theories are difficult to explain exceptional phenomena
  • Third , analyze the relationship between the directions of public opinions and social aims , so as to detect the social functions and position of press supervision
  • Public health education at community university is an endeavor aimed at forming a grass - root health movement for transforming the public health system
  • Though his theory of social control has unavoidable defects , we can still learn something important to deal with existing social problems in modern china
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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