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  • Why did alexander the great - conqueror of europe , asia and africa - order his subordinates before his death to allow his hands to extend from his coffin during his impending funeral procession
  • There was i , then , mounted aloft ; i , who had said i could not bear the shame of standing on my natural feet in the middle of the room , was now exposed to general view on a pedestal of infamy
  • Preceded by the beadle , and attended by an irregular procession of stern - browed men and unkindly - visaged women , hester prynne set forth towards the place appointed for her punishment
  • Polish youth caught shoplifting was stripped and dumped naked in the center of the city of szczecin with " i am a thief " written on his back , local police reported
  • A polish youth caught shoplifting was stripped and dumped naked in the center of the city of szczecin with " i am a thief " written on his back , local police reported
  • In 1597 toyotomi made an example of 26 christians - - six missionaries and twenty japanese - - by cutting off their ears and marching them from kyoto to nagasaki in the dead of winter
    1597年,丰臣秀吉用26名基督徒树立典型? ? 6名传教士和20名日本人,他割掉他们的耳朵,让他们在严冬季节从京都一路示众至长崎。
  • The very law that condemned her - a giant of stern features , but with vigour to support , as well as to annihilate , in his iron arm - had held her up , through the terrible ordeal of her ignominy
  • Thou mayest conceal it , too , from the ministers and magistrates , even as thou didst this day , when they sought to wrench the name out of thy heart , and give thee a partner on thy pedestal
  • It was , in short , the platform of the pillory ; and above it rose the framework of that instrument of discipline , so fashioned as to confine the human head in its tight grasp , and thus hold it up to the public gaze
  • This face , and worn and shown them both with such a galliard air , without undergoing stern question before a magistrate , and probably incurring fine or imprisonment , or perhaps an exhibition in the
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