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  • The upstart pretensions of a young woman without family , connections , or fortune . is this to be endured ! but it must not , shall not be
  • Our short - lives connection with existence we fondly flatter ourselves , is an indissoluble and lasting union - a honeymoon that knows neither coldness , jar , nor separation
  • Doing nothing , expecting nothing ; merging night in day ; feeling but the sensation of cold when i let the fire go out , of hunger when i forgot to eat : and then a ceaseless sorrow , and , at times , a very delirium of desire to behold my jane again
  • But as this is ordinarily the fate of young heads , so reflection upon the folly of it , is as ordinarily the exercise of more years , or of the dear bought experience of time ; and so it was with me now ; and yet so deep had the mistake taken root in my temper , that i could not satisfy my self in my station , but was continually poring upon the means , and possibility of my escape from this place ; and that i may with the greater pleasure to the reader , bring on the remaining part of my story , it may not be improper , to give some account of my first conceptions on the subject of this foolish scheme , for my escape ; and how , and upon what foundation i acted
    就拿我自己来说吧,正是由于我不满自己原来的境况,又不听父亲的忠告-我认为,我有悖教训,实为我的"原罪" ,再加上我后来又犯了同样的错误,才使自己落到今天这样悲惨的地步。当时,造物主已安排我在巴西做了种植园主。如果我自己不痴心妄想发财,而是满足于逐渐致富,这时候我也许已成了巴西数一数二的种植园主了,而现在我却白白地在这荒岛上流落了这么多年,过着悲惨孤寂的生活。
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