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  • You might find it easier to insert if you moisten the suppository with water before inserting it
  • Insert the pointed end deeply into the anus , and hold it tightly shut for 4 to 5 seconds
  • Acetaminophen is available in liquid , chewable and suppository forms for children , but it ' s often easiest to give medications in liquid form
  • Safe has 5 main workshops , 4 softgel capsule production lines , annual production capability is 1 . 2 billion capsules , 1 . 2 million ointments , and 1 . 2 billion tablets
    公司拥有五个主体车间,其中软胶囊生产线4条(另预留2条) ,年生产能力12亿粒,软膏120万支,栓剂200万粒,片剂12亿片。
  • Decoction , granule , tablet , oral mixture , pill , etc . . chinese medicines for external use also have different dose forms , e . g . plaster , ointment , suppository , liquid preparation etc .
  • Medical treatments include increasing dietary fibre and liquid intake , toilet retraining and topical medications such as suppositories and cream . they aim to resolve the symptoms associated with less severe haemorrhoid
  • Chinese medicines for internal use have different dose forms e . g . decoction , granule , tablet , oral mixture , pill , etc . . chinese medicines for external use also have different dose forms , e . g . plaster , ointment , suppository , liquid preparation etc .
  • The quest continues for plasminogen activators with higher potency , specific thrombolytic activity , fibrin selectivity and longer half - life time . the recent progress in the protein engineering of plasminogen activators , including t - pa , u - pa , streptokinase , staphylokinase and other novel plasminogen activators , was presented in this article
    一些pa突变体及新型溶栓剂,如k2p tnk - pa和star等的临床实验结果表明它们在延长体内半寿期增强对血纤维蛋白选择性和溶栓效率等方面有较大的改进。
  • All the currently used thrombolytic agents are plasminogen activators , which are very efficient in restoring the blood flow . they can convert plasminogen into plasmin and thus degrade fibrin . despite the widespread use of established thrombolytic agents such as streptokinase , t - pa and u - pa , all these agents suffer from a number of inadequacies including resistance to reperfusion , occurrence of coronary reocclusion and bleeding complications
    介绍了国内外溶栓剂蛋白质工程方面的新进展,主要涉及了组织型纤溶酶原激活剂t - pa尿激酶型纤溶酶原激活剂u - pa链激酶sk葡萄球菌激酶sak dspa及tsv - pa的研究进展。
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