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  • Play beowulf , an epic hero tormented by desire for power and glory . a slayer and a king ? torn between the nobility and brutality within him
  • This ability is active as long as the slayer ' s power point reserve is 1 or more ( even if she is unconscious , stunned , or otherwise helpless )
    只要杀戮者的灵能点馀量不少于1 ,这种能力就会持续起效(哪怕杀戮者失去意识、被震慑或是陷入其他无助状态) 。
  • Generally , slayers favor feats that augment their ability to dispatch illithids , although they are effective against any foe ? illithid or otherwise
    一般来说,杀戮者喜欢那些可以增强他们对抗灵吸怪能力的专长,但这些专长对抗任何敌人都有效? ?无论是灵吸怪还是别的。
  • Due to her extensive study of her foes and training with the proper techniques for combating them , the slayer gains a + 1 bonus on bluff , listen , sense motive , spot , and wilderness lore checks when using these skills against illithids
    由于在长期对这种敌人的研究以及为对抗这种敌人而进行的特殊训练,杀戮者对抗灵吸怪时在“唬骗” 、 “聆听” 、 “察言观色” 、 “侦察” 、以及“野外求生”技能检定上有+ 1加值。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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