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  • From 1994 to now , our country has carried out important reform about the external exchange management system , after realized by usual items it could be fully exchanged , the rmb rate was practiced by nominal managing floating exchange rate , persisted with the level of about 8 . 27 for many years
    从1994年至今,我国对外汇管理体制进行了重大改革,在实现了经常项目下的完全可兑换后,人民币汇率实行了名义上的有管理的浮动汇率制度,多年来始终保持在8 . 27水平左右。
  • The purpose of reforming the foreign exchange institute is to increase the elasticity of the system , and from this , exchange rate can have the function of regulating the economy . the media measure is improving the forming mechanism of exchange rate of rmb . at present , the feasible measures is enlarging the floating region of exchange rate of rmb . firstly , improving the extent of marketization of forming mechanism of exchange rate , including enlarging the floating region of exchange rate of rmb in the inter - bank exchange market , adjusting the policy of exchange position of banks , reforming compulsive exchange settling institute
  • In the first place , the formation mechanism of the exchange rate is perfected , that is the exchange rate of renminbi no longer pegs down the us dollar singly , but floats under management according to the supply and demand in the currency market as well as the “ currency basket ” , which is composed of several primary currencies
    2005年7月21日,中国人民银行对人民币汇率做出了重大改革。一是完善汇率形成机制。人民币汇率不再单一钉住美元,而是由若干主要货币组成一个“货币篮子” ,实行以市场供求为基础、参考一篮子货币进行调节的、有管理的浮动汇率制度
  • Finally , the author , in respect of the policy choice of rmb exchange rate , presents the view that the system of a single , managed floating exchange rate should be a reasonable option to the system of rmb exchange rate . on the basis of the analysis on the drawbacks in the forming mechanism of rmb exchange rate at present , the author designs the general frame of the mechanism of rmb exchange rate under the system of a single , managed floating exchange rate and proposes corresponding reform measures and policy suggestions
  • July 21 , 2005 , people ' s banks issued announcement : " today , our country to start to implement take the market supply and demand as the foundation , refers to a basket currency to carry on the mediation , has the management the floating exchange rate system . at the same time , the rmb & us dollar exchange rate rises 2 %
    2005年7月21日,人民银行发布公告: “即日起我国开始实行以市场供求为基础,参考一篮子货币进行调解,有管理的浮动汇率制度” ,同时,人民币对美元汇率升值2 % ,调整为1美元兑8 . 11元人民币。
  • In light of its own needs of reform and development , and taking into serious consideration the economic and financial impacts of its exchange rate reform on neighbouring countries , regions and the world at large , china will continue to push forward the reform of its exchange rate regime , to have a market - based , managed floating exchange rate regime in reference to a basket of currencies , and to ensure that the rmb exchange rate is kept basically stable at an adaptive and equilibrium level
  • Since 1994 , china adopted the managed floating exchange rate system nominally , but we feared that the relax foreign exchange controls will cause the exchange rate risks leading to the financial crisis . so rmb focused on the dollar actually . and the exchange rate regime of china also is classified as focusing exchange rate system by imf
  • The foreign exchange system reform of 1994 set a milestone in the process of china ' s external reform . after this reform , official exchange rate and swap exchange rate was united , and managed floating exchange rate regime was introduced . rmb reached convertibility under current account , and china ' s foreign exchange system took the shape of " rmb convertible under current account and unconvertible under capital account "
    中国也存在最优汇率制度选择问题, 1994年中国实行了具有里程碑意义的外汇管理体制改革,实现了汇率并轨,建立了以市场供求为基础的有管理的浮动汇率制度; 1996年人民币实现了经常项目可兑换,由此中国形成了“人民币经常项目可兑换,对资本项目进行管制”的外汇管理体制。
  • On peking time 7 : 00 p . m . , the people ' s bank of china , with authorization of the state council , makes the following announcements regarding reforming the rmb exchange rate regime : starting from july 21 , 2005 , china will reform the exchange rate regime by moving into a managed floating exchange rate regime based on market supply and demand with reference to a basket of currencies . this is the most important variety since 1994 in the rate of exchange system reform . from now on rmb will no longer be pegged to the us dollar and the rmb exchange rate regime will be improved with greater flexibility
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