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  • Depending on the sound ' s loudness , the audience would feel from no - sense , to itch , pain and even spasm in one ' s hand . ( but it ' s totally harmless
    随著声音的强度不同,听者感受到的可能是从最小的无感,到? ,到麻,到疼痛,甚至会是让人手指肌肉抽搐的强力电击(但保证无害) 。
  • If you find a thick or sore point as you are doing the exercises or massaging , apply and hold pressure at that spot for 15 - 20 seconds to help relax the muscle or clear a spasm
    如果在练习时,发现一个比较厚实的点,或者是一个酸点,在那个点按压15 - 20分钟,可以起到放松肌肉和消除抽搐的作用。
  • This was rejected ; there was something about the image of shaak ti convulsing as a lightsaber speared her heart that stuck with lucas , and she again faced an unseen executioner in front of cameras a few months later
  • Studying the intricate manuvres and schemes of napoleon and his army from the time of entering moscow up to the time of the destruction of that army is much like watching the death struggles and convulsions of a beast mortally wounded
  • A chp spokesman said the patient was a 31 - year - old female domestic maid living in tuen mun . she developed lower limb weakness and twitching on september 19 . she was admitted to tuen mun hospital on the same day and is now receiving treatment in stable condition
  • " kids with mild tics are at a higher risk for developing future school problems . this is a way of identifying children ahead of time so they can be monitored - a clue to how the child ' s brain is organized " says lead study author dr . roger kurlan director of the tourette ' s syndrome clinic and the cognitive and behavioral neurology clinic at the university of rochester in new york
    本研究第一作者纽约罗切斯特大学图雷特氏综合症诊所和认知及行为神经学诊所的所长roger kurlan博士说: “有轻微抽搐的孩子将来发展成学习问题的危险很高,这样可以提前诊断这些孩子,及早监测他们,这也提供了一个帮助了解孩子的脑组成的线索。 ”
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