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  • The study and discussion is made on the issues of ship mortgage financing legal system such as the subject , the object , the right and obligation relationship between two parties , ship mortgage register , etc . comparing with the normal pattern , concrete analysis is made on the mortgage financing pattern of both the ship under construction and the single - vessel company . chapter x is mainly about the range and category about the mortgagors , i . e
  • After already dealing with guaranty to register , if produce modificatory pawn , increase pawn , modificatory guaranty amount , money is planted or the circumstance such as mortgage time limit , contract of the guaranty notarial deed that should refer account to change content , original mortgage reachs photocopy of loan contract notarial deed , the mechanism that register makes corresponding modificatory guaranty register
  • Already dealt with a building to spend the estate that guaranty registers , original mortgage ( mortgage ) the if stipulate flower having a building turns , shows a building to register provision in the contract , finishing initiative after registering , already dealing with building flower to turn below the premise that guaranty showing a building registers , can unite by bank acting owner apply " estate card " , get by the bank
    已办理楼花抵押登记的房地产,原抵押(按揭)合同中如规定有楼花转现楼登记的条款,在完成初始登记后,并在已办理楼花转现楼抵押登记的前提下,可由银行代业主统一申办《房地产证》 ,并由银行领取。
  • Thirdly , bringing about a new attitude on some issues : such as , mortgage securitization and securitization of mortgage credit , the idealism of fixed mortgage order and step - up mortgage order and the embodiment of the public faith of registered mortgage under the theory of the accessory character of mortgage etc . , through systematical research on the issue of the independent character and accessory character of mortgage
    ( 3 )通过对抵押权附随性和独立性问题的系统研究,对抵押权证券化与抵押债权证券化、抵押权顺位固定主义与顺位递进主义、抵押权附随性理论下抵押登记公信力的体现等问题提出自己的看法。
  • In the first part , the analysis on the legislation of mortgage , it perspected the situation and defects of the legislation of mortgage both in the two law families and in our country . the second part is about the basic theory of mortgage . it has set forth the author ' s understanding and viewpoint on the theory of mortgage
  • After examination on qualified real estate mortgage contract as well as other documents and the object in pledge , real estate registration department will make record of mortgage registration on the mortgagor s " contract of pre - sold commercial housing for foreigners " with a real estate mortgage stamp on it , and issued a " mortgage registration certificate of the pre - sold commercial housing " to the mortgagor
    房地产登记部门对房地产抵押合同等文件及抵押物进行审核无误后,将在抵押人所持外销商品房预售契约上注计抵押登记情况,加盖房地产抵押专用章,并向抵押人出具"预售商品房抵押登记证明" 。
  • According to " matter right law " , hypothec has two kinds of state : it is ought to ought to deal with guaranty to register , if be not dealt with , register , this guaranty contract not become effective ; 2 do not need to deal with guaranty to register lawfully , hypothec mortgages be established when contract become effective oneself ; without registering , do not get antagonism kindness the 3rd person
    依照《物权法》 ,抵押权有两种情形:一是应当应当办理抵押登记的,假如不办理登记,该抵押合同不生效;二是依法不需要办理抵押登记的,抵押权自抵押合同生效时设立;未经登记,不得对抗善意第三人。
  • Section i mainly probes into the questions of the conception , nature , characteristics of the mortgage and the classification and variety of mortgage as well . while in section ii , the paper particularly analyzes the questions of the acquiring approach of mortgage , the parties to the mortgage contract , the target objects of mortgage contract , the prescription and content of mortgage contract , mortgage registration , the organizations of mortgage registration , the procedures of mortgage registration , etc . and section iii mainly illustrates the questions of the scope of creditor ' s rights of mortgage guarantee , the scope of target objects connected with the effect of mortgage , the party ' s rights and obligations in mortgage affairs ; the relationship between mortgage and guarantee , the conflicts between mortgage and other real rights granted by way of security
  • On the real situation of china , through combining guaranty law and its interpretation , maritime law , civil aircrafts law and the draft of real rights law , this essay analyzes the present rules on china chattel mortgage publication with historical method and comparative method as its research method . it points out that the disadvantage of china chattel mortgage publication is its lack of superficial features and puts forward settlement for this problem on the basis of domestic and foreign practices as to this problem and proposals form scholars
    本文立足于我国的现实国情,结合我国《担保法》 、 《担保法解释》 、 《海商法》 、 《民用航空器法》以及《物权法草案》 ,以历史法学和比较法学为研究方法,分析了我国动产抵押公示方式的现有规定,指出我国动产抵押公示的缺陷是抵押登记缺乏表现于外部的表面特征;在分析了国内外解决动产抵押公示难题的各种具体作法及学者建议的基础上,提出了适合我国国情的解决动产抵押公示难题的办法。
  • 3 . regarding the effectiveness hypothecation of the state - owned enterprises " equipment and buildings , it is argued that 1 ) the hypothecation established on the state - owned enterprises " equipment ( including key equipment and complete sets of equipment ) is effective if registered and there is n
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