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  • Bess had a beau in the school band who had no other ambition except to play a horn . lottie expected to be settled with a home and family while bess was still waiting for harry to earn enough to buy a marriage license
  • Would you hope to experience foreign cultures and customs , make foreign friends , practice fluent english , cultivate your independent ability or even establish your own business and form your own family abroad
  • Italy ' s golden couple of the movie industry met in 1952 when ponti , already an established producer and a married man , cast his vote for a poor 17 - year - old girl from a naples slum in a beauty contest
  • Officials say that trainees should consider moving south in search of work ? but a third of them are over 30 and so are likely to have families and mortgages , making this blithe suggestion difficult to follow
  • And each month , canada locates and deports hundreds of such workers , who often have arrived here on visitors ' visas or temporary work permits and then simply stayed , eventually raising families and , in many cases , paying taxes
  • Yet another person may refer to the city where he was born , grew up , got married and set up his essential network of relations . he may have a fond memory of the place or , in short , it is a place where he feels he belongs to
  • Thinking that i might wish to settle in france , he left me at his departure , together with the papers establishing my identity , a letter promising , if he approved of my choice , 150 , 000 livres per annum from the day i was married
  • But after making several reflections upon the circumstances of my life , and how little way this would go towards settling me in the world , i resolv d to go to lisbon , and see if i might not come by some information of the state of my plantation in the brasils , and of what was become of my partner , who i had reason to suppose had some years now given me over for dead
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