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  • Mr gore has his detractors
  • Messages should not aim at provoking or arousing any disputes towards the others
  • But much of the venom in the press , at any rate , is directed at big multinationals
  • The denunciation of all those who had refused to play chiang ' s game swelled to a mighty chorus
  • This is a groundless , vicious slander and a grave calumny on the chinese people and chinese scientists
  • The others in my office did the dirty on me when they told the manager that i had not arrived at work until 10 : 30
  • Business : there ' s a good chance that you ' ll quit your job or be assigned to a different department . beware of plots by coworkers . proceed with caution
  • Elizabeth : young girls are often cruel to each other . it ' s a big problem . and the problem is getting bigger because of blogs
    伊利莎伯:年轻的少女们通常都爱互相“整蛊” (恶意中伤)对方。这是个大问题,由于博客的缘故,而且越来越严重。
  • The people who are prone to fall on their knees to do us honour when success is with us , may be the first to throw the stone of malice when failure settles its cloud upon our heads
    当我们成功的时候,有人恨不得跪下来阿谀奉承;一旦我们厄运临头,他们说不定就率先发难,恶意中伤。 )
  • What do you want to inject into me with your letter , if not a little resentment ( you ' re cornered , you ' re cornered , ” “ admit it . ” and a little bad conscience ( shame on you , you ' re lagging behind … )
    你千言万语所要表达的,难道不是心中的怨恨(你走投无路,你走投无路,承认罢) ,外加恶意中伤(你好丢脸,你落伍了! )
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