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  • The two shook hands amicably in front of the nearly 3 , 000 npc delegates after mr wen received 2 , 906 votes of support . only three delegates voted against him , while 16 abstained
    温家宝与朱?基在三千名人大代表面前热情握手。温家宝得到2 , 906票支持票,当选总理。反对票和弃权票分别仅有三票和十六票。
  • The two shook hands amicably in front of the nearly 3 , 000 npc delegates after mr wen received 2 , 906 votes of support . only three delegates voted against him , while 16 abstained
    温家宝与朱?基在三千名人大代表面前热情握手。温家宝得到2 , 906票支持票,当选总理。反对票和弃权票分别仅有三票和十六票。
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