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  • Before begin to draw the paint formally , i tried to draw the concept sketch . throughout the concept sketch , i confirmed the layout and inter - relationship . aiming at the needed atmosphere , i drawn farther . i used some light brushwork when i portray the character in the paint , and the other part , i just outlined them roughly , and made them fade - out to the dark , and coming into the dreamland
  • With the aplomb of a thorough professional , anthony hopkins was able to follow up his chilling lecter with characters of great kindness , courtesy and humanity : the conscience - stricken butler of a british fascist in the remains of the day 1992 and compassionate author c . s . lewis in shadowlands 1993
    93年霍普金斯又在影片幻境shadowlands 1993中成功地诠释了一位性格沉静的大学教授。他那感人至深的表演获得了观众们的一致好评。他的演技正被越来越多的人所肯定。
  • Nevertheless , since we are in this physical condition , we must endure many illusionary hardships , which hinder our spirit and separate us from you ; therefore , pray lord , grant us some of the dignity of basic peacefulness so that we may have enough calm , enough surrender , to remember you every second of our lives . you are glory ; you are beauty ; you are richness ; you are the most fantastic vision of perfection that we could ever remember . let this perfection also be manifest on this planet
  • It was at all times pleasant to listen while from his lips fell the words of the bible : never did his fine voice sound at once so sweet and full - never did his manner become so impressive in its noble simplicity , as when he delivered the oracles of god : and to - night that voice took a more solemn tone - that manner a more thrilling meaning - as he sat in the midst of his household circle the may moon shining in through the uncurtained window , and rendering almost unnecessary the light of the candle on the table : as he sat there , bending over the great old bible , and described from its page the vision of the new heaven and the new earth - told how god would come to dwell with men , how he would wipe away all tears from their eyes , and promised that there should be no more death , neither sorrow nor crying , nor any more pain , because the former things were passed away
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