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  • Since talcott parsons advocated the concept of “ paradigm ” at the beginning of the twentieth century , the academic circles began to study all aspects of it and had not only gained fruitful theoretical achievements but also played an indispensable role in the practice of technology development
  • The relative sociological theories of structural - runctionalism , interaction as well as some communication theories are applied in the analysis . conclusions have been reached . viewed primary group , teenagers , tv communication as the micro - social structure , it has four functions : adaptation , goal attainment , integration and latent pattern maintenance
  • According to sociology " s common theory of social action - - - - - - web and parsons " s social action analysis frame , enterprises " branding action from setting up aim to the all process is restricted by internal and external conditions . firstly , enterprises " values , which is directly related to enterprises " aim . secondly , the means , which is at the use of enterprises , including both internanl and external factors , the former is referring to enterprises " funds , technology level , managering ability and so on , the later is referring to modern managering and technichal tools which is at the uses of enterprises
    按照社会学关于社会行动的一般分析理论? ?韦伯和帕森斯的社会行动分析框架,企业“品牌行动”从行动目标的确立到行动的全过程都受到内在和外在各方面条件的制约:首先,企业的价值理念,它直接关系到企业将确立什么样的行动目标;其次,企业可资利用的工具手段,包括自有和外在两种,前者指企业的资金实力、技术水平、管理能力和人力资源等,后者指当时社会条件下可供企业选择利用的管理、技术等手段;第三,外在的情境条件,主要包括国家经济体制、国家经济发展水平、金融环境、全球化、政府行为、消费特征变化等,其中有些是有利于企业实施“品牌行动”的,而有些则是阻碍条件;第四,企业必须遵守的社会道德准则、法律法规等等。
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