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  • Its name was changed as the seventh district in october 1952 , and the formal name nankai district was given in january 1st , 1956
    1952年10月更名为第七区, 1956年1月1日正式定名为南开区。
  • The name “ mondeo - zhisheng ” is expected to further reinforce the consumers ' attention and understanding
    将第三代福特蒙迪欧正式定名为“蒙迪欧-致胜” ,必将进一步加深人们对它的关注和理解。
  • Typical machining tolerances on this table , which was designated as model a , were in the range of 0 . 001 to 0 . 0001 inch
    这种后来定名为a型的转台,其典型零件加工公差在0 001到0 0001时之间。
  • If this sql server instance does not contain a service that matches the name specified in the conversation , continue at step 3
    如果此sql server实例中不包含匹配会话中指定名称的服务,则继续执行步骤3 。
  • But the majority of dutch viewers are turned off by the show that was initially set to be called " monster love "
  • Property is a qualified name that includes the owning components name followed by a period and the child components name
    属性为限定名称,其格式为所属组件的名称后跟一个句点( . ) ,句点后面是子组件的名称。
  • As a best practice , the combination of wsdl binding name and binding namespace is used to define the web service contract or behavior
  • By convention , the combination of a web service s wsdl binding name and binding namespace identifies the behavior of the web service
    按照约定, web服务的wsdl绑定名称和绑定命名空间的组合可标识web服务的行为。
  • When changing the definition of a web service , you should change the wsdl binding name , the wsdl binding namespace , or both
  • They decided to call themselves the da , which initially stood for defense association but which quickly was changed to dumbledore ' s army
    他们决定把这个小组定名为d . a ,原先的意思是防御协会,但很快就转为邓布利多军了。
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