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  • Though in early childhood the spleen may be enlarged with sickle cell anemia , continual stasis and trapping of abnormal rbc ' s leads to infarctions that eventually reduce the size of the spleen tremendously by adolescence
  • Medical news today : us scientists have shown that if a girl is overweight before she is a teenager , she is more likely to be obese and have a higher risk of heart disease as a woman
  • It usually starts at teenage and begins to improve gradually after 20 years of age . however , some people may still have acne in their early 30 s . treatment of acne depends on the type and the severity of the disease . 1
    寻常痤疮( acnevulgaris )俗称暗疮或青春豆,通常在青春期开始发病,约二十岁后开始改善,但年近三十岁才发病的个案也不少。
  • A study in 1997 , for example , looked at thousands of twins and found that 10 percent to 15 percent of the subjects had gradual changes in eye color throughout adolescence and adulthood , which occurred at nearly identical rates in identical twins
    科学家在1997年对数千对双胞胎研究后发现, 10至15的双胞胎同时在青春期和成年后眼睛颜色会逐渐改变,这证明,有相似基因的双胞胎发生眼睛变色的几率也是相同的。
  • A study in 1997 , for example , looked at thousands of twins and found that 10 percent to 15 percent of the subjects had gradual changes in eye color throughout adolescence and adulthood , which occurred at nearly identical rates in identical twins
    例如,科学家在1997年对数千对双胞胎研究后发现, 10至15的双胞胎同时在青春期和成年后眼睛颜色会逐渐改变,这证明,有相似基因的双胞胎发生眼睛变色的几率也是相同的。
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