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  • The latin word for adoration is ad - oratio - mouth to mouth contact , a kiss , an embrace , and hence , ultimately love
  • He comes , pale vampire , through storm his eyes , his bat sails bloodying the sea , mouth to her mouth s kiss
    他来了,苍白的吸血鬼。他的眼睛穿过暴风雨,他那蝙蝠般的帆,血染了海水,跟她嘴对嘴地亲吻169 。
  • According to local media reports , the act will strictly prohibit couples in public " mouth - to - mouth kiss lasted five minutes , " while also provides couples allowed to fashion the way touching each other , not to each other clothes , or will be captured
    据当地媒体报道,该法令将严格禁止夫妻在公众场合“嘴对嘴亲吻持续5分钟以上” ,同时还规定夫妻之间不得以挑逗的方式抚摸对方,不得为对方宽衣,否则就将被抓。
  • Then spoke young stephen orgulous of mother church that would cast him out of her bosom , of law of canons , of lilith , patron of abortions , of bigness wrought by wind of seeds of brightness or by potency of vampires mouth to mouth or , as virgilius saith , by the influence of the occident or by the reek of moonflower or an she lie with a woman which her man has but lain with effectu secuto , or peradventure in her bath according to the opinions of averroes and moses maimonides
    并谈及妊娠之种种原因:或由风播下光辉的种子34 ,或通过吸血鬼之魔力嘴对嘴地35怀上了孕或如维吉尔所云,借西风之力36 ,或借月光花之腥臭,或与一名刚跟丈夫睡过觉的女人刻不容缓地37去睡觉。据阿威罗伊与摩西迈蒙尼德之见解,或入浴时亦能怀孕。
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