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  • Many people think we have to choose either a moral , spiritual life that ' s boring or an immoral , secular life that ' s exciting
  • They enjoyed beauty and pleasure , and many of them found pleasure in kindness and beauty in every facet of life , and so acted in good ways
  • Emotional concentration , a strong sense of responsibility , sense of decency , non - minded and generous , gentle temperament and stable economic base . open to both domestic and foreign
  • Those virtues were : discretion , the keeping of the secrets of the order ; obedience to the higher authorities of the order ; morality ; love for mankind ; courage ; liberality ; and love of death
  • I was born in a beautiful coastal city - - zhanjiang . i am a healthly , good virtue woman that have beautiful heart , i ' m an elegant woman who is in good taste . i ' m full of enthusiasm to life . i like seaside , travel , reading and music
    我出生在南方一个美丽的海滨城市- -湛江.我是一个身体健康.素质优雅,品行端正,贤慧大方,有内涵的东方女人,我对生活充满热情,喜欢大海,喜欢旅游.喜欢阅读,喜欢音乐,我衷心的希望能够通过这个桥梁找到我人生的另一半
  • According to the regulations of " administrative provisions for students in huanggang normal university " and " administration methods of one ' s status as a student in huanggang normal university " , students , who have places in huanggang normal university , observe disciplines and law , are well - behaved , have finished all courses stipulated in teaching program within required duration and acquired 180 credits , meet the requirement of school ' s regulation regarding to the rank of computer , english and putonghua , have passed physical healthy , practice and professional skill test , are allowed to be graduated
  • Yes , thats as it should be , thought pierre , when the rhetor after these words left him again to solitary reflection ; thats as it ought to be , but im still so weak as to love this life , the meaning of which is only now by degrees being revealed to me . but the other five virtues which pierre recalled , reckoning them on his fingers , he felt already in his soul ; courage and liberality , morality and love for mankind , and above all obedience , which seemed to him not to be a virtue , indeed , but a happiness
    “是的,一定是这样的, ”皮埃尔想,修辞班教师说完这些话后就走开了,让他独自思考一番。 “一定是这样的,但是我还太脆弱,我喜爱自己的生活,我只是现在才略微领悟到生活的意义。 ”皮埃尔扳着指头想起了其余五条高尚品德,他心里觉得:勇敢慷慨品行端正爱人类特别是服从,他甚至以为,服从并不是高尚品德,而是幸福。
  • According to < regulations of student management of huanggang normal university > and < managerial methods of school register of huanggang normal university > , all the registered students will be approved to graduate if they have obeyed laws and rules of the university , behaved well , fulfill all the courses prescribed by the teaching plan in fixed years , obtained 177 credits , met the requirements of the tests in computer , english and common spoken chinese and passed physical test and professional training and practice
  • According to the regulations of " administrative provisions for students in huanggang normal university " and " administration methods of one ' s status as a student in huanggang normal university " , students , who have places in huanggang normal university , observe disciplines and law , are well - behaved , have finished all courses stipulated in the teaching program within required duration , meet the requirement of school ' s regulation regarding to the rank of english and putonghua , have passed physical healthy , practice and professional skill test , are allowed to be graduated
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