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  • Ultra - wide band radar is one of the trends in modern radar technology because of its ability in super - resolution . wavelets analysis is a promising approach to process ultra - wide band radar signal . it has tremendous potential to combine wavelets with ultra - wide band radar
  • In order to analyze the rotation noise further , a new method for measuring the amplitude and phase of each harmonic component of periodic signal mixtures is established based on the morlet transform and fourier transform in theory , which will provide scientific warranty for reducing noise of disk mill
  • A face recognition algorithm based on improved bp neural network is proposed . first , wavelet transform is utilized to reduce both the dimension of face images and the data amount . then face images are normalized by illumination ratio image to overcome the influence of illumination variation
  • In the first part of the paper , the development of motor control system fault diagnosis theory is summarized . on the basis of the analysis of the characteristics of wavelet , the theory is discussed and the definition of the singularity is given . because of the localization property of wavelet transform , wavelet analysis can be used to detect the characteristics of the singularity from the signal and intermittence fault problems lying in the motor under test
  • In this paper , wavelet analysis is applied in stack at the first time , instead of fourier transform , wavelet transform is applied in frequency division processing of seismic record , no matter in high frequency or low frequency window , the waveform of wavelet function is unchanged , and only change its amplitude and width , the waveform of shorten fourier function is changing in different frequency band
  • The content of this article mainly contains three parts as follows . 1 ) the conception of power quality and the general methods for power quality analysis 2 ) the theory of wavelet transform and its application 3 ) the theoretical foundation , the impractical implementation , the simulation experiments , the evaluation and the improvement of wavelet - based methods for power quality detection and classification
    在论文中,读者将会了解到: 1 )电能质量的概念和分析方法2 )小波变换的基本理论和应用情况3 )利用小波变换对电能质量扰动进行检测和分类的算法原理、实现过程和仿真实验,以及作者对算法的改进和评价。
  • Based on the theoretical expression of the average intensity in the fourier transforming and imaging optical system with variable aperture , an algorithm is developed to change the intensity data versus the aperture radius into the bessel - fourier - transform - and - the - inversion of a function of the height - height correlation function . three samples of gaussian correlation are used for the experimental demonstration
  • This paper studies the characteristic of scatter from moving target in the situation of bistatic sar with stationary transmitter . the wvd method is used in the paper to estimate the doppler frequency parameter of the moving targets ; the wvd - radon method is used to restrain the cross - term . then we can use the result to adjust the parameter of the filter , and to achieve the moving targets imaging of bistatic sar
    本文分析了发射机固定的双站sar情况下的运动目标回波信号模型,应用wvd变换对发射机固定的双站sar回波的多普勒信号参数进行估计,并采用wvd - radon变换来抑制wvd的交叉项,以调整滤波器参数,实现发射机固定的双站sar对运动目标聚焦成像。
  • Firstly , we introduce the basic theory and methods for realization of sofm . subsequently we improve the arithmetic and implement the feature extraction of raw data using k - l translation , select the eigenvector . combining c - avarage and isodata arithmetic , classify the eigenvector , according to the methods of this dissertation , in lower layer , set nerve cell and unite or delete nerve cells in middle layer , to improve the anti - huise - and robust
    论文首先介绍了sofm的基本原理和实现方法,接着在其基础上对具体算法进行改进,用k - l变换对原始数据进行特征提取,选取出特征变量,结合c -均值和isodata算法对特征变量进行预分类,按照本文中介绍的方法在底层预置神经元,在中间层对神经原进行合并和删除,加强了该网络的抗干扰性和稳定性。
  • In this paper , we firstly design orientation filters based on directional image of fingerprint and employ them to denoise gray - scale image . then , we binarize the gray - scale image with local self - adaptive binarization smoothness algorithm and eliminate the noises from the binary image with fast fourier transform algorithm
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