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  • He takes in information from all of these channels , filters it through his own wishes and biases … until finally it hits him : she knows about his mistress
    从这些渠道获得信息再通过用自己的愿望和偏见进行过滤- -最终他茅塞顿开:原来是她发现了他的情妇。
  • The beam end displacement due to beam and column deformation may be calculated by existing cantilever program and then converted by geometric relation
  • After finding relating path between aim entity and condition entity through relation repository of database , the third module can produce sql query sentence
  • It provides a structured framework for the development and implementation of healthy schools as well as a system of monitoring progress and recognition of achievement
  • Boxes arrive in miami from colombia , ecuador and peru , as well holland , and then travel by plane or by refrigerated truck to the rest of the united states
  • Similarly , we can make the system act as an agent for other im systems by inter - transforming the protocol of other im systems and the xml protocol
  • So in my dissertation , the first step to solve the problems of sme is to clarify the property rights , then to build up the inner inspiriting regulation of enterprises
  • The pixels are then built into displays by embedding them and their electrical connections in a sheet of another polymer , this time a transparent and flexible one
  • Have a discussion in groups . compare the information and list the advantages and disadvantages of the universities in shanghai and in other cities
  • The operator of the liner , the mv explorer , said all passengers and crew were initially evacuated onto lifeboats before being picked up by another vessel diverted to the scence
    Mv explorer号油轮的负责人说,说所有的乘客和船员再通过其他的救援措施之前,最初是通过救生艇得以逃生的。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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