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  • Referring physicians were categorized as a primary care provider ( pcp ) or specialist ( internist , ob / gyn )
    研究人员将咨询医生分成两类:初级护理医师( pcp )和专业医师(内科医师:产科医师/妇科医师) 。
  • The new system involves pinning a small , flexible rfid chip to the esophagus , where it remains until removed by a physician
  • These resukts have impkications for medicak residency programs ? which routineky scheduke physicians to work more than 24 consecutive hours
  • Endoscope - a flexible instrument containing fiberoptic bundles and a light source used by physicians to examine the esophagus , stomach , and duodenum
    内窥镜? ?一种柔软的器具,包括光导纤维束和光源,内科医师用来检查食道,胃,和十二指肠。
  • In 2006 , the american college of chest physicians said children younger than 15 shouldn ' t be given the syrups because they hadn ' t been proved effective
  • " we need to help our physician colleagues recognize the early signs of so that they can refer those patients to psychiatric professionals , " hao said
    他说: “我们要帮助内科医师识别判断抑郁症的早期征兆,这样内科医师便可以建议这些病人向精神科医师求助。 ”
  • The physician wants to make sure that if he prescribes you a medication that you are not allergic to that medication , that you will not experience negative side effects , and so forth
  • " we need to help our physician colleagues recognize the early signs of depression , so that they can refer those patients to psychiatric professionals , " hao said
    他说: “我们要帮助内科医师识别判断抑郁症的早期征兆,这样内科医师便可以建议这些病人向精神科医师求助。 ”
  • Physicians are on the threshold of being able to beam intricate medical images from small rural hospitals to major medical centers for collaborative diagnosis and expert consultation
  • Because of public prejudice , many patients are reluctant to visit hospitals specializing in mental care , he said . as a result , 75 percent of all anti - depressants are prescribed by physicians
    他说,由于社会歧视的存在,很多病人不愿意去心理疾病专科医院就诊。这造成75 %的抗抑郁药物都是由内科医师开具的。
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