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  • The nobles send their servants for water ; they go to the cisterns but find no water . they return with their jars unfilled ; dismayed and despairing , they cover their heads
    3 [和合]他们的贵胄打发家打水,他们来到水池,见没有水,就拿着空器皿,蒙4羞惭愧,抱5头而回。
  • And their nobles send their servants for water ; they come to cisterns , and they find no water ; they return with their vessels empty ; they are ashamed and confounded and cover their heads
  • For packages with 1 : 1 caddy , the club reserves the right to allocate 1 : 2 caddy on heavy traffic conditions such as public holidays . no refund will be made under such circumstances
    提供1 : 1球的套票,若球僮不足时如因节假日或比赛,球会可安排1 : 2球僮,客人须接受而差额恕不退还。
  • There are both straw and fodder for our donkeys , and bread and wine also for myself and your female servant and the young man who is with your servants ; there is no need of anything
  • One part of them crossed the jinsha river from yue which is yuexi of sichuan now and entered to south in the region of shen pond , blending mutually with the local tribes language department
    其中一部份从越今四川越西渡金沙江而南进入滇池地区,与当地傣语系氏族“蒲” “僚”等部落相融合。
  • And their nobles have sent their little ones to the waters : they came to the pits , and found no water ; they returned with their vessels empty ; they were ashamed and confounded , and covered their heads
    耶14 : 3他们的贵胄打发家打水他们来到水池、见没有水、就拿著空器皿、蒙羞惭愧、抱头而回。
  • The former hired clansmen and servants , and selected head assistants cautiously ; the latter employed fellow villagers , who became stockholders with their labor , and adopted a hierarchical management system
  • The zhuangs are given different names in different places , " bushuang " , " buchuang " , " bunong " , " buman " , etc . the zhuang nationality developed from a branch of yue people yue was one of the warring states in ancient china
    几万年以前,壮族的先民就生活在中国的南方。春秋战国时,是百越的一支。宋朝以后,又以“” “土”等名称见于史册。
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