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  • She remembered a time when any creature of evil gave her that warning scent - - a burning stench like the echo of brimstone from some nether plane
    她回想起曾经有一段时间,任何邪恶的生物都会使她产生这种警告式的嗅觉? ?一种燃烧的臭味,如同来自某些下层位面的硫磺余味。
  • The young woman with the ambiguous half smile has been identified as lisa gherardini , wife of florentine merchant francesco de giocondo . she had five children
  • But one can just imagine the look on mourinho ' s face at a board - manager meeting if a smiling director leans across the table and asks him to play more passing football
  • They never gain addtional hit points as a result of being on a plane with major positive - dominant energy trait , and thus are never in danger of exploding when on the positive energy plane
  • I enjoyed the beautiful girl ' s act , she prepared to attend the game “ running in the wheel chair ” , running at very fast speed with a smile on his young face
  • Each settlement is more or less independent , though periodically the high ecclesiastics of many cities will gather in a hidden cathedral that floats alone in the positive energy plane
    每个社群各自为政,尽管各城的高阶神职者会定期在一座漂浮于正能量位面的秘密大教堂会面。 。
  • On a successful hit , the foe must succeed at a will save ( dc 20 ) or be cast into a random alternate plane of existence ( such as the astral plane , the plane of shadow , or even the abyss )
    成功命中时该敌人必须通过意志豁免( dc = 20 ) ,否则被扔到随机位面(例如星界位面、阴影位面甚至无底深渊) 。
  • Police cruisers everywhere . a media circus . reporters jostle for position . a colorless district attorney steps forward into closeup , flanked by a contingent of s . ate troopers
  • Language : neraphim speak their own language and slaad . some learn common , which allows them to better communicate with creatures of other planes , and some learn abyssal and celestial
  • The tsf method combines efficiently llsf and tri - cubic spline interpolation , learns from others " strong points to offset one ' s weaknesses , so has rapidity and high accuracy of computation and is suitable for contour surface drawing in real - time . 3
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