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  • Once grounded , we gradually began to walk , to become more social and develop language - a process that drove evolution and brings us to where we are today
    当原始人类开始在陆地上生活时,渐渐学会了直立行走,彼此间的社会联系也更强了,同时也发展出了语言? ?这一过程推动了人类进化,并使人们分散到世界各地。
  • Stanley kubrick s cosmic metaphor of human evolution is a stunning visual achievement . four academy award nominations including best director , best original story and screenplay , and best special visual effects
  • Seeing the endless human evolution , however , people had already transcend self physical instinct and become a new life existing in the " symbol world " , " cultural world " and " sense world "
    而从漫长的人类进化看来,人已经超越了自身生命的生物有机体本能,诞生了一个存在于“符号世界” 、 “文化世界” 、 “意义世界”的新生命。
  • Some assert that it was the third eye of ancient human beings , which was gradually covered by the expanding cerebral cortex of the frontal lobe and so disappeared from the surface of the skull as the human race evolved
  • The remains shed light on a little - understood but critical period in human evolution - - the transition from the more ape - like creatures known as australopithecines to the genus homo , of which modern humans are a member
  • Often i have visited the new york museum of natural history to touch with my hands many of the objects there exhibited , but i have longed to see with my eyes the condensed history of the earth and its inhabitants displayed there ? animals and the race of men pictured in their native environment , gigantic carcasses of dinosaurs and mastodons which roamed the earth long before man appeared , with his tiny stature and powerful brain , to conquer the animal kingdom , realistic presentations of the processes of evolution in animals , in man , and in the implements which man has used to fashion for himself a secure home on this planet , and a thousand and one other aspects of natural history
    我经常到纽约自然历史博物馆去,用双手无数次地抚摸过那里陈列的展品,我多么渴望能用自己的眼睛看一看这浓缩的地球的历史,以及陈列在那里的地球上的居民? ?各种动物和以他们生活的天然环境为背景描绘的不同肤色的人种;以及早在人类出现以前就漫游在地球上的恐龙和柱牙象的巨大骨架,当时的人类靠自己矮小的身躯和发达的大脑征服了动物的王国;还有表现动物和人类进化过程的逼真画面,和人类用来为自己在这个星球上建造安全居处的工具,以及另外许许多多自然历史的其他方面的事物。
  • For example , julia fischer , a biologist at the max planck institute for evolutionary anthropology in leipzig , germany observed that a nine - year - old border collie named rico could understand more than 200 words and learn new ones as quickly as a young child . rico demonstrated his ability to recognize objects simply by their names when he was able to retrieve previously unknown toys placed among already familiar ones
    德国莱比锡的麦克斯普兰克人类进化研究所max planck institute的生物学家茱莉亚费雪julia fischer ,最近所进行的一项研究显示,一只来自德国边境的九岁牧羊犬瑞可,能够辨认两百多个单字,而且学会生字的速度可不输给一般小孩!
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