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  • Although the development of relatively non - toxic immunosuppressive or tolerance - inducing regimens will be required to justify clinical trials using pig organs , recent advances in our understanding of the biology of xenograft rejection and zoonotic infections , and the generation of alpha1 , 3 - galactosyltransferase - deficient pigs have moved this approach closer to clinical application
    尽管用猪的器官进行临床试验尚有赖于相对无毒的免疫抑制剂或致耐方法的发展,但是我们在异种移植排斥反应及猪源人畜共患病等方面生物学知识的进步,以及1 , 3半乳糖转移酶缺陷猪的产生,已经使异种移植离临床应用更近了一步。
  • Although the deelopment of relatiely non - toxic immunosuppressie or tolerance - inducing regimens will be required to justify clinical trials using pig organs , recent adances in our understanding of the biology of xenograft rejection and zoonotic infections , and the generation of alpha1 , 3 - galactosyltransferase - deficient pigs hae moed this approach closer to clinical application
    尽管用猪的器官去验证临床试验需要相对无毒的免疫抑制剂或致耐的方法,但随着近来我们对异种移植排斥生物学及动物传染病感染的深入理解,以及1 , 3半乳糖转移酶缺陷猪的产生,异种移植更接近临床应用。
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