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  • Studies on transgenic oilseed rape brassica napus plants transformed with - 1 , 3 - glucanase and chitinase genes and its resistance to sclerotinia sclerotiorium
  • Homologous analysis in nucleotide sequence using megalign program demonstrated that thl2 dna from both b . napus l . and b . olereacea l . were 96 % in identity
    用megalign程序分析表明油菜与甘蓝中thl2在核苷酸水平上的同源性为96 。
  • According to integrated analysis the yellow seed lines selected in b . napus rape , its penetrance of yellow seedcoat showed be over 85 % inspetion
  • Comparing thl2 dna encoding region of b . olereacea l . with that of b . napus l . , 4 different bases were found , and three of them led to the alteration of amino acids
    比较甘蓝和油菜的thl2dna ,发现在编码区有4处碱基不同,其中有3个碱基的突变造成了氨基酸的变化。
  • The statistic result indicated that the dry weight of buds and stamens of male sterile lines in b . napus l . are much smaller than the control group while the pistils are much larger
  • The yellow and black - seeded rapeseed lines ( brassica napus l . ) were selected randomly to test the flood tolerance during seed germination in the anoxic condition
  • Zhang xue - kun , tang zhang - lin , chen li et al . effect of partially n - acetylate chitosans to elicit resistance reaction on brassica napus l . , agricultural sciences in china , 2002 , vol2 ( 3 )
    张学昆,唐章林,谌利,李加纳等.脱乙酰化几丁质乙酰化程度对油菜抗性的影响.中国农业科学, 2002 ( 3 )
  • There was a significant negative correlation between electric conductivity and vigor index , indicated the electricl conductivity could be used as a selective index for flood tolerance breeding in brassica napus l
  • Different waterlogging tolerances of nine rapeseed ( brassica napus l . ) genotypes were investigated after germinating seed anoxic stress for 12h and spring field waterlogging for l0d
  • Comparing the mod cdna of b . olereacea l . with that of b . napus l . , 31different bases were found , and only one of them led to the alteration of amino acid residues based on the predicted amino acid sequences
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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