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  • Zhen zhibin , ben kunlong , tian baoping , zheng yongtang . 1992 serological survey for antibodies to simian type d retrovirus of macaque colony in china . journal of medical primatology . , 21 : 87 - 90
    陈志斌、贲昆龙、田保平、郑永唐1992中国猴群的猴d型逆转病毒抗体的血清学调查。医学灵长类学杂志, 21 : 87 90 。
  • Takao hill currently has 12 macaque troupes . their diet should consist mainly of plants , fruits , flowers , and various insects , but these days they ll eat anything , and their appetite for new things is growing
  • Tama zoo introduces the symbol animal s mode of life by focusing on the habits of japanese macaque ( snow monkey ) , chimpanzee and orangutan living in the zoo with photos and exposition panels
    明年的干支是“申” ,公园内的日本猴、黑猩猩、猩猩的生活和行动的特写镜头,还有照片和解说员将其真实状态展现给大家。
  • Government buildings , temples and many residential neighborhoods of new delhi are overrun by an army of macaques . the monkeys scare passers - by , and occasionally bite or snatch food from unsuspecting visitors
  • Michael gumert of nanyang technological university in singapore made the discovery in a 20 - month investigation into 50 long - tailed macaques in kalimantan tengah , indonesia , new scientist reports on saturday
  • A probably growing proportion of individuals is unafraid of people and have adopted outlaw tactics to gain food from less obliging picnickers and residents . as a result , they have stirred up a fair amount of anti - macaque sentiment in the vicinity
  • Using this as our base , the first day we go to hsitzuwan bay to swim and watch the sunset . at night you can stroll along the ai river and enjoy the evening scenery . early next day we head to takao hill to observe the macaque monkeys , and in the afternoon we visit the import shops at new chueh chiang and old chueh chiang
  • But while it is unlikely that people have a mental , smell - based map of their partners in the way that voles do , there are strong hints that the hormone pair have something to reveal about the nature of human love : among those of man ' s fellow primates that have been studied , monogamous marmosets have higher levels of vasopressin bound in the reward centres of their brains than do non - monogamous rhesus macaques
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