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  • Both teams equal in their ambitions to win races , and the often suggested mental differences are non existent as both teams are truly international from the management side , so it ' s not the much fabled asian versus european way of executing things
  • A magnificent specimen of manhood he was truly , augmented obviously by gifts of a high order as compared with the other military supernumerary , that is who was just the usual everyday farewell , my gallant captain kind of an individual in the light dragoons , the 18th hussars to be accurate , and inflammable doubtless the fallen leader , that is , not the other in his own peculiar way which she of course , woman , quickly perceived as highly likely to carve his way to fame , which he almost bid fair to do till the priests and ministers of the gospel as a whole , his erstwhile staunch adherents and his beloved evicted tenants for whom he had done yeoman service in the rural parts of the country by taking up the cudgels on their behalf in a way that exceeded their most sanguine expectations , very effectually cooked his matrimonial goose , thereby heaping coals of fire on his head , much in the same way as the fabled ass s kick
    与另外那个预备役陆军军官即轻骑兵,说得确切些,第十八骑兵队的一员是“再见吧,我豪侠的上尉” 219那样一种极其平庸的类型相形之下,他确实是位男子大丈夫中的杰出楷模,加以禀赋极高,更是相得益彰。毫无疑问,他这里指的是已垮台的领袖,而不是另外那个人有着独特的火暴性子,而她作为一个女人,当然一眼就看得出,并认为惟其如此,他才名扬天下。正当大功即将告成之际,全体司铎牧师220 ,往昔那些坚定可靠的拥护者,以及他所爱护过的被剥夺了土地的佃户们他曾在本国乡村以超过其任何乐观期望的劲头替这些佃户辩护,勇往直前为之效劳,而这些人却为了婚姻问题一举把他搞垮,犹如把炭火堆在他的头上,简直就像寓言中那头被踢上一脚的驴221而今回顾一下往事,追想事情的整个经过,一切都恍如一场梦。
  • Bloom s fabled stories charm everyone he encounters except his son will , who has also left home but in this case to get out from under his father s considerable shadow . when edward becomes ill and his wife , sandra , tries to reconcile them , will embarks on his own personal journey trying to separate the myth from the reality of his father s life and come to terms with the man s giant feats and great failings
  • An artistic highlight every year in vienna is the wiener festwochen vienna festival weeks , may 12 to june 18 , which offers mozart in every form , from concerts at the fabled musikverein which boasts one of the best acoustics in europe to peter sellars , the perpetual provocateur , directing the unfinished opera " zaide " may 21 to 27
  • Certainly , the confucius is consistent in the role in each one incompletion , and usually is just the words and actions or the philosophy position that is been fabled and a certain role , and don ' t represent it the reality ; this text is about to investigate 《 chuang - tsz 》 the confucius of each paragraph in book presents of containing and learning position why , and why confucius would in 33 texts originally , appear are originally in 20 or so texts in
  • Like the fabled rustic who raised the devil with infinite pains , and was so terrified at the sight of him that he could ask the enemy no question , but immediately fled ; so , monseigneur , after boldly reading the lord s prayer backwards for a great number of years , and performing many other potent spells for compelling the evil one , no sooner beheld him in his terrors than he took to his noble heels
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