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  • The endografts that he and his associates are currently using are made of dacron supported by a nitinol stent skeleton , " which expands and presses the fabric graft across the area of the tear , " the surgeon said
    他和他的同事目前使用的内支架是由镍钛合金的支架结构、外层的涤纶所构成, “这种结构使得这种纤维性支架可以伸缩自如,从而到达撕裂部位”这名外科医生说。
  • Results rp was done in 2 cases , one of which received the resection of the hepatic artery followed by end to end anastomosis , another received resection of the superior mesenteric vein and superior mesenteric artery , revascularization was done by means of dacron graft ; pancreaticrxtuodenectomy combined resection of superior mesenteric - portal vein was done in other 5 cases , sutured by means of a dacron graft
    结果2例行区域性胰腺切除术,其中1例联合切除肝动脉,血管端?端吻合, 1例联合切除肠系膜上动脉、肠系膜上静脉,行血管间置移植术; 5例行标准胰十二指肠切除术,联合肠系膜上静脉切除血管间置移植术。
  • The method for assessing the degree of bacterial adhesion to prosthetic valve materials was established primarily . the capacities of staphylococcus aureus ( sa ) , staphylococcus epidermidis ( se ) , escherichia coli ( ec ) and pseudomonas aeruginosa ( pa ) for adhesion to dacron , pyrolytic carbon and polytetrofluoroethylene ( ptfe ) were quantitatively determined by the plate counting and gamma - ray counting of 125i radiolabeled bacteria in vitro
    采用平板菌落计数法、 125i标记细菌放射性测定法,测定金黄色葡萄球菌、表皮葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌、绿脓杆菌对涤纶、热解碳、聚四氟乙烯的粘附情况。
  • Produce and increase the need in order to meet the clothing trade of the domestic and international chemical fibre day by day , dacron that our company make sew line craft update , the designs and varieties increase year by year , sales volume increases constantly too , sell the area and spread all over all parts of the world
  • Nian green wubi a significant benefit is the support gbk chinese characters , like the cantonese , the company - and shi , what , ye , 1 , 10 , de , xi , ge , li , expense and chanting , luo , shan , men , gua full , and so are the characters commonly used included ; second , avoid weight code in the premise , canada to a lot of terms , such as netizen , websites , programs , rookie , sound card , pupa , acer , cords easy , tencent , the site , see the , nokia , mobile phones , guard , zhu rongji , vladimir putin , wang jie , li yu , liu yong , north island , leza , fen , chechnya , east timor , chao , the euro , good , so on ; for some the word order in accordance with commonly used frequency also made corresponding adjustments , such as " problem " to " always " is one example , while some " dacron , " and the problems left over from history are returned to the history
    念青五笔一个显著的好处是支持gbk汉字,像粤语中的? 、 ? 、 ? 、乜、 ? 、 ? 、 ? 、 ? 、 ? 、 ? 、 ? 、念、 ? 、 ? 、 ? 、 ?等常用字都有悉数收录;其次,在避免重码的前提下,加入了大量词目,诸如网友、网站、程式、菜鸟、声卡、蒲吧、宏基、索易、腾讯、站点、见工、诺基亚、手机、后卫、朱?基、普京、王杰、李煜、柳永、北岛、哪吒、粉肠、车臣、东帝汶、炒汇、欧元、利好等,不一而足;对于一些词序的排列也依据常用频率作出了相应调整,如“问题”之于“总是”即是一例,而一些“的确良”之类的历史遗留问题则归还给历史了。
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