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  • Offers human and physical geography study programs in spain to gcse , a and ib levels . fieldwork sites include barcelona and the catalan natural parks
  • S remained , therefore , by his bedside , and m . morrel went away , making a sign to the catalan that he had left his purse on the chimney - piece
  • The catalan giants remain 11 points clear of their rivals from the capital who had roberto carlos sent off midway through the first half
  • It would be an exaggeration to suggest the famous catalan attack was totally shackled , but few teams will keep them this quiet during the season ahead
  • These are two of the finest contributions to barcelona ' s architecture by the catalan art nouveau architect lluis domenech i montaner
  • " wait a moment , " said villefort , turning over the leaves of a register ; " i have it - a sailor , who was about to marry a young catalan girl
    “等一等, ”维尔福一边说,一边翻阅一宗档案, “有了,他是一个水手,而且快要娶一个年轻的迦太兰姑娘了。
  • S , " replied the young man , " yes , you have been cruelly frank with me ; but do you forget that it is among the catalans a sacred law to intermarry ?
    “是的,我知道得很清楚,美塞苔丝, ”青年回答道。 “是的,你对我坦白,这固然很好,但毕竟残酷。
  • The catalan watched him until caderousse , almost overcome by this fresh assault on his senses , rested , or rather dropped , his glass upon the table
  • " why , we must inquire into that , " was caderousse s reply ; and turning towards the young man , said , " well , catalan , can t you make up your mind ?
    “唔,我们来问个明白吧, ”卡德鲁斯说着,就转过身去对那青年说道, “喂,迦太罗尼亚人,你拿定主意了吗? ”
  • “ i hope i will receive an interesting offer from the catalan club , but this doesn ' t mean that we have to discuss an extension now , ” continued el conejo
    "我希望我将会收到加泰罗尼亚俱乐部的一份有吸引力的报价,但是这不意味着我们必须立即讨论延长合同, "兔子继续说
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