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  • The voluntary appeal by the jci and the tung wah group was launched in july this year and will last until end august to appeal for the society s support and participation in voluntary services
  • This year s chinese valentine s day traditionally observed on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month happened to fall on august 22 , so each participant received a rose , the traditional symbol of love
  • The third group involved seven people , two men and five women aged from 15 to 38 , and the fourth group comprised a 28 - year - old woman and a 60 - year - old man . they had lunch buffet there on august 22 and august 23 respectively
    第三宗个案包括7人, 2男5女, 15至38岁,而第四宗个案涉及28岁女士及60岁男士,他们分别于8月22日及23日在该酒店进食自助午餐。
  • Correspondent luolan , with beijing news on augest 22th , learn from state administration of industry and commerce that the acctual number of foreign business investment enterprise has increasing slowly , but its scale has kept on enlarging
  • The voluntary appeal by the jci and the tung wah group was launched from july to august this year while the closing ceremony and an appealing day was held on 22nd august 2004 to solicit the society s support and participation in voluntary services
  • If you cancel at any time up to august 22 . 2005 , a prompt refund will be made to you upon receipt of your written notice ( faxes are acceptable ) . a us $ 100 ( or rmb800 ) non - refundable registration fee will be deducted from your payment
  • Record of discussion of the efac sub - committee on currency board operations on 3 september 2004 and reports on currency board operations for the periods from 24 june 30 july 2004 , 2 august 20 august 2004 and 22 august 28 september 2004
    外汇基金谘询委员会辖下货币发行委员会2004年9月3日会议记录附件: 2004年6月24日至7月30日, 2004年8月2日至8月20日及2004年8月22日至9月28日期间货币发行局制度运作报告
  • Malaria and aids threatened three million africans the world health organisation ( who ) director wook - jong lee told an international health conference , announcing a 30 percent increase in who ' s budget for the region
    世界卫生组织第55届非洲地区委员会会议8月22日在莫桑比克首都马普托召开, who总干事李钟郁在会上表示,艾滋病和疟疾威胁着大约300万非洲人民。他宣布,该组织将把对这一地区的财政预算增加30 。
  • Shevchenko ' s grievances do seem to have some credence , given he played 55 minutes of ukraine ' s friendly win over uzbekistan on 22nd august , and he is set to figure prominently for his country in the forthcoming euro 2008 qualifying double header
  • General thinking and logic structure the first appearance of baogang stock option on 22 , august , 2005 witnessed that financial derivatives were introduced into chinese securities market after more than ten years of exploring . afterwards , xingangfan , wugang , baiyunjichang and wanke a issued stock option of several kinds
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