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  • The arrival of winter in pakistan has made life even more difficult for people affected by the earthquake two months ago
    2005年12月12日|伊斯兰堡日内瓦- -在巴基斯坦冬季来临使两个月以前地震受灾民众的生活甚至更加困难。
  • On december 12 , 2002 , the los angeles music week awards luncheon was held in the los angeles ballroom of the elegant wilshire grand hotel
  • On the evening of 12th december , we will prepare a rich buffet dinner for you , including beer , coco cola and a variety of soft drinks
  • 12th december 2005 , monday , from 6 : 30 pm to 11 : 00 pm , we will have a party to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of our english corner at v - touch
  • B by adding " after 12 december 1996 " and " 80 " at the end of the columns headed " period " and " percentage of prevailing market rent " respectively
    B在标题“期间”及“ ?值租金的百分率”两栏之末处分别加“ 1996年12月12日之后”及“ 80 ”
  • Gallup poll on december 12th revealed that , among people who had an opinion on the report , a five - to - one margin favoured implementing its recommendations
  • A gallup poll on december 12th revealed that , among people who had an opinion on the report , a five - to - one margin favoured implementing its recommendations
  • Lisbon , portugal , 12 dec ? portuguese prime minister jos s crates , said saturday in lisbon that portugal could be china ‘ s “ gateway to africa
    葡萄牙里斯本12月12日电葡萄牙总理若泽?苏格拉底星期六在此间称,葡萄牙可以成为中国的“非洲之门” 。
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