Network competition and restructuring of network industries 网络竞争与网络产业改革
In recent years , the internet industry has been developing rapidly 近年来,网络产业发展迅速。
Why the internet industry - the so called " core of new economy " - suffered such a punishing defeat in china 为什么号称新经济核心的网络产业在中国如此惨败
Many countries have strict income supervision to the networks industry , which is natural monopoly 摘要对具有自然垄断特性的网络产业,各国都对其收入实施严格的监管。
Firstly , the development and investment value evolution of internet estate are studied 网络产业仍处于发展初期,已经形成明晰的产业结构,具备许多典型的经济学特征。
Therefore , competition oriented restructuring and privatization are two reform themes in network industries 因此,以促进竞争为导向的市场结构重组与民营化是这些网络产业改革的两大主题。
As these reforms will create network bottleneck issue , the government should make effective access regulation policies 但网络产业的改革必然凸现网络瓶颈,这要求政府制定与实施有效的接入管制政策。
We are the first publication dedicated to the network industry in china , with a history of 20 years we accumulate rich expertise and experience 我们最早植根中国的网络产业, 20年悠长历史,积淀丰厚专业素养。
Under the traditional institution , telecommunication , electricity , railway , gas , water and other network industries were run by state - owned monopoly enterprises 摘要在传统体制下,电信、电力、铁路运输、管道燃气、自来水等网络产业基本上是由国有企业垄断经营的。
After years of wondering what would be the next big thing after the dotcom boom , america ' s technology industry is betting on alternative energy ( see article ) 若干年之后若想预测继网络产业崛起之后谁将会是下一个时代霸主? ?我们打赌美国的技术工业肯定认为可替代能源将会取而代之。