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  • At the current rate , he expects the sanctuary ' s stock to go up to more than 1 , 000 birds within two years
  • At the current rate , he expects the sanctuary ' s stock to go up to more than 1 , 000 birds within two years
  • But animal - rights activists say the authorities often allow dogs to die of starvation after they are seized
  • Results of this study revealed that residents were 53 . 84 % male , 50 . 35 % having stroke , average age was 73 . 49 , and average institutionalized time was 17 . 03 months
    结果发现疗养机构内收容的住民男性占53 . 84 % ,平均年龄73 . 49岁,平均已住在机构17 . 03个月。
  • Although dean was a tricky man , the money he pickpocketed from those dirty rich people were spent on the seven poor orphans with whom he lived together in an old shaky church
  • Note : best friends animal sanctuary , the nation s largest no - kill refuge for abused and abandoned animals , is home to over 1 , 500 cats , dogs and other domestic animals
  • France supplanted the united states as the top destination for people seeking asylum in industrialized nations last year , while the flow of refugees dropped to levels unseen since the late 1980s , a united nations report said tuesday
    联合国3月1日公布的一份报告显示, 2004年,法国收容的难民超过了6万人,成为继2003年美国之后的最大的难民收容国。
  • Against the backdrop of beautiful mountain scenery in shanshang , a rural township in southern formosa , is tainan ming - teh open prison , a seeming paradise undisturbed by the hustle and bustle of the world that houses inmates screened for good behavior and excellent performance in other prisons
  • The social welfare department ( swd ) has put in place a wide range of welfare services to help individuals and their families in need , such as counselling and guidance services , community care services , residential care placement , schooling and temporary shelter assistance , etc . all those in need including low - income earners and cssa recipients have access to these services by direct approach , on referral basis or outreaching network of swd
  • Mr . songmao zhong stated that the majority of parolees currently in the training school are middle - aged or older . they have no one to rely on or are rejected by their family because of their previous misdeeds . though the fund has enough money to feed and house these parolees , anything more than that relies upon help from society
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