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  • Handsomely on the yards tackle . - topmen aloft
  • - handsomely on the yards tackle . - topmen aloft
  • A rope used to raise or lower a sail , flag , or yard
  • Haul both your yard tackles
  • The readiness of a vessel for sailing with regard to ballast , sails , and yards
  • And , again dodging the boom , i ran to the colour lines , handed down their cursed black flag , and chucked it overboard
  • Take in two reefs in the tops ls , cried the captain ; let go the bowlin s , haul the brace , lower the to gall nt sails , haul out the reef - tackles on the yards
    顶帆收两隔!船长喊道,帆脚索放松,绑紧,落上桅帆,扯起帆桁上的滑车! ”
  • It occurred to me there was no time to lose ; and , dodging the boom as it once more lurched across the deck , i slipped aft , and down the companion - stairs into the cabin
  • Cross me , and you ll go where many a good man s gone before you , first and last , these thirty year back - some to the yard - arm , shiver my timbers
  • For a while the ship kept bucking and sidling like a vicious horse , the sails filling , now on one tack , now on another , and the boom swinging to and fro till the mast groaned aloud under the strain
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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