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  • Rtp ? real - time transport protocol
  • Section two , this section describes rtp ( real - time transport protocol ) and rtcp ( control protocol )
    第二部分介绍实时传输协议( rtp )实时控制协议( rtcp )协议。
  • Second , the paper introduces the theory of real - time transport protocol ( rtf ) and the directshow technology
    接着,本文对实时传输协议( rtp )的原理和微软公司的directshow技术作了介绍。
  • As a result , it is worthwhile to choose mpeg - 4 as the compression standard and rtp / rtcp as the real time transportation protocol for system
    因此系统选择mpeg - 4作为压缩标准,选择rtp rtcp协议作为系统的视频实时传输协议
  • 4 . we realize the rtp / rtcp in the network transmission component , so to get a better solution of the network video data transmission problem
    ( 4 )在网络传输组件中,实现了rtp rtcp实时传输协议,更好的解决了网络流媒体传输视频的问题。
  • Rtp / rtcp is a real time video transportation and real time transportation control protocol based on tcp / ip . it is more effective than tcp and more reliable than udp
    Rtp rtcp是基于tcp ip网络的视频实时传输协议和实时传输控制协议,比tcp简单有效,比udp更可靠。
  • An analysis on the parallel algorithm of audio encoding and decoding . 2 . an overall analysis of the current media stream transfer protocols including rtp / rtcp , rsvp
    对当前的因特网上的流媒体传输协议作了一个全面的分析,主要有有实时传输协议rtp 、实时传输控制协议rtcp 、资源预留协议rsvp等。
  • Boot loader and embedded linux are the basic software of the system , while multithread technique , device driver and stream media real - time transfer protocol are also discussed in detail
  • In this thesis , research has been carried on in several aspects such as network structure of voip , protocol layers of voip , signaling control protocols and the lan voip system based on sip
  • Built upon the project designing voip terminal based on coldfire platform , my task is designing two protocol modules : the secure real - time transport protocol ( srtp ) and multimedia internet keying ( mikey ) , and then implements them on target platform
    本课题是在“基于coldfire平台的voip终端设计”项目背景下,设计并实现该项目中的两个协议模块:安全的实时传输协议srtp和多媒体互联网的密钥协议mikey 。
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