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  • Influence of the islam revival movement on the relations among islamic countries in middle east
  • Chapter i of the thesis spells out the various versions of definition of culture and their relevance in political sciences found in the literature concerned
  • Engraved on the walls of the un headquarters in new york is the teaching of confucius over 2000 years ago , often referred to as the golden rule guiding state - to - state relations
    孔子在两千多年前提出的“己所不欲、勿施于人” ,被誉为处理国家间关系的“黄金法则” ,镌刻于纽约联合国总部大厅。
  • Three aspects have been emphasized at the beginning of this century . firstly , multipolarized relationship has been formed among different countries , featuring as anisomerous and multi - directionally motivated
  • As to the five central asian countries , ethnic problems and some ethnic policies not only produce some negative influences on political situations of the five central asian countries , but also further worsen the relations between central asian countries
  • It will provide more space to study particular issues such as relationship among countries in the european union , third world debt , local and international disagreement , and the work of such international bodies as the united nations , the european union , nato , and the world bank
  • The international paten has a profound effect on international relations . but as foreign policies are natural extension of domestic ones , pursuing the biggest national interests is the essential goal of one government ' s foreign policies , to probe into one nation ' s interests , especially its national fundamental interests is beneficial to understand and judge the future trend of the relations with another country
  • Third , the international law ' s function in the international politics during globalizatioa to farther strengthen the national sovereignty principle as well as to stipulate and limit the national sovereignty , to safeguard the world ' s peace , to set up a new international cosmos , to solve the global problems . last , potential issues and challenges in the future
    国际法具有制约各行为主体和调整国家间关系的法律教力;为国家间和平干b地sztlkijasewk , tlss了一系列基在的hi3i rtx : xsvn , manx则;在解决国际争端整个过程中躺鹏渤军作用; (三)建立国际新秩序。
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