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  • At least twenty million farm families have been permitted to become specialized households and are no longer required to produce grain or other specific crops .
  • Wood preservatives . labelling for the information of professional users . products for treatment of solid wood
  • She says she makes her living as a pig farmer and spent her senator ' s salary on charitable projects
  • The development of diverse economy is encouraged . efforts be made to support and assist various specialized and key households
  • The purpose of the project is to transfer and disseminate lean swine genetics and requisite technology to the commercial farm level in china including specialised pig households sphs
  • Lnj series jet and huller rice mill is a new product developed by our company . science and technology worker according to demend of the market
  • The eastern zone is a developed zone relatively and its output is about 60 % in the whole output of the country . poultry industry in east has definitely competitive power in the international market
  • Xinze lighting lies in the international lighting city - gu town . it is specializes at the production of lighting in doing development manufacturing and selling
    新泽照明座落于中国灯饰之都- -广东省中山市古镇镇,公司拥有雄厚的技术支持和先进的生产设备,是集设计、研发、生产、营销于一体的专业户外照明企业。
  • The difference between professional website and integrate website is : the former with professional , clear and independent theme and aims at provide special customer group with internet information and related services
    专业网站与综合网站的最大区别在于,前者属于“专业户” ,有明确、独立的主题,为特定的人群提供网络信息及配套服务。
  • This document provides an introduction to using profit formulas to determine breeding goals , covering such topics as factors influencing the profits from selling weaned calves , reasons that effect profit , yearling calves and fattening households , and feed budgets
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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