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work people

"work people"的翻译和解释


  • Culture and education in old china were extremely backward . most working people had almost no opportunity to receive education
  • In the present stage our main work is to make necessary ideological preparation leading to the emancipation of the working people
  • The working people in china practice wushu for physical training and self - defense and wushu is still immensely popular today
  • They included teachers , students , spiritual practitioners from many sects , working people , and housewives
  • Every two people over the age of 65 depend on money garnered from the wages of 10 working people age 20 to 65
  • Equality has been after by most working people and advanced individuals since man entered the class - divided societies
  • Now the working people who live in the suburbs , the commuters , are hurrying out of the railroad station , buses , and cars
    现在,住在郊区的耕作者(也就是通勤者) ,正匆忙走出火车站、公共汽车和轿车。
  • We have tests and exams for young children at primary school , for middle - school students , for university students and working people
  • The state expands facilities for rest and recuperation of working people , and prescribes working hours and vacations for workers and staff
  • Working people spend much less time at home today . indeed , some even find little difference between their home and a hotel
    跟从前比较,现在的人呆在家的时间确实减少许多,一些人还自嘲地说“家跟酒店没分别” 。
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