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  • When this version of asp . net is uninstalled , the latest remaining version on the computer is then registered and used in its place
    当卸载这一版本的asp . net时,计算机上剩下的最新版本就会注册并取代它的位置。
  • The data processing extension used for this report is not available . it has either been uninstalled , or it is not configured correctly
  • An application s uninstall routine maintains information automatically about the components being uninstalled , using the project installer s
  • Heard on the voice mail of a vice president at a downsizing computer firm you have reached the number of an uninstalled vicepresident
  • If the latest version of asp . net is uninstalled , these counters are automatically re - associated with the latest remaining version of asp . net
    如果最新版本的asp . net被卸载,这些计数器会重新自动与剩下的最新版本的asp . net相关联。
  • Internet explorer cannot be uninstalled from this user account . please log on to the same use account from which it was installed and try again
  • To ensure that the a9 toolbar is completely uninstalled , you must make sure that you close all your browser windows and quit and restart your browser
  • Custom actions placed under this node will be executed at the end of the uninstall phase of installation , which occurs when an application is uninstalled
    在安装过程“卸载”阶段的最后,将执行放置在此节点下的自定义操作(卸载应用程序时发生) 。
  • When a process model is installed or uninstalled a " process template installed " 42006 or " process template uninstalled " 42007 event is written
    当安装或者卸载流程模板时,就会写入“流程模板的安装” ( 42006 )或者“流程模板的卸载” ( 42007 )事件。
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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