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  • The joint un programme on hiv / aids ( unaids ) , which pools the expertise of eight un agencies and programmes , is the main advocate for global action
  • Unaids says that there were an estimated 1 . 7 million new hiv infections in sub - saharan africa in 2007 , a significant reduction since 2001
    联合国爱滋病防治计划估计, 2007年在撒哈拉以南的非洲,有170万个新增的hiv感染病例,自2001年以来,病例已是大幅的降低了。
  • Also un aids ( unaids ) says it now believes the number of new hiv cases per year which ( reached ) the high in the lab ( late ) 1990s are ( at ) more than 3 million
    联合国爱滋病组织同样表示它相信每年关于新型的爱滋病病毒案例的数字,该数字曾经于90年代晚期达到一个高的记录? ?超过3百万人。
  • Indeed , figures from unaids , the united nations agency responsible for fighting it , show that 74 % of young people infected in sub - saharan africa are female
    事实上, unaids (联合国负责抵抗艾滋病的机构)的统计数字表明,在撒哈拉以南的非洲地区,感染艾滋病的年轻人中有74 %是女性。
  • Unaids ' current estimate of 33 . 2 million people living with hiv globally is good news , as it is dramatically down on the 2006 estimate of 39 . 5 million
  • Every day in asia , 1 , 192 people die of aids - related diseases . another 2 , 658 become infected , according to unaids , a u . n . group that monitors the disease globally
    监察全球爱滋病现况的联合国爱滋病基金会指出,亚洲每天有1 , 192人死于和爱滋病相关的疾病,另有2 , 658人感染爱滋病毒。
  • The report , by the joint united nations programme on hiv aids unaids and the world health organisation , estimated that globally there will be an extra five million new infections in 2005
  • Unaids has last year said malaysia was among several asia - pacific countries that risked an hiv epidemic among drug users unless the government took the problem more seriously
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