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set the stage for

"set the stage for"的翻译和解释


  • This often sets the stage for the degradation i mentioned earlier , as the chinese child back from abroad focuses on the unreal english taught in school - - to the detriment of his authentic spoken english
  • The first in a series , this article starts you on your way to understanding security concepts and potential threats , and sets the stage for what you really need to know : how to secure and harden a linux - based installation
  • The superlativeperformance style sets the stage for the combination of feeling andscenes , juxtaposing the real and the imagined , and creating acoexistence of impressionistic and realistic techniques built in thecompact time and space of 120 min and 500 square meters
  • We offered no preconceived formula about what the substance of interim agreements might be , only that they might serve as a way for both sides to build confidence in their ability to work together , setting the stage for increased cooperation and enhanced regional stability
  • Thus , at the very least , mom ' s search for peace and quiet sets the stage for her child ' s transformation into an american consumer - - and , of course , soaks up time that could be used for other , perhaps more desirable , transformations
    因此,妈妈想通过电视让孩子安静下来的做法,其负面影响往最小了说,是为把孩子变成成天想着买东西的人打下了基础- -当然,这还使孩子把时间全耗费在电视上了,而这些时间本可以用在对孩子成长更有意义的事情上。
  • Structralist , phenomenological , feminist , and psychoanalytic critics have concurred recently in emphasizing readers and reading , and analysis of problems that arise in these accounts of reading sets the stage for the discussion of deconstruction that occupies chapter two
  • At a recent meeting in cartagena , columbia , trade ministers reaffirmed this commitment , reiterated a mandate to working groups to continue to set the stage for negotiations , and agreed on immediate steps to start us toward our goal such as the deregulation and modernization of customs procedures
    3 .对每个管制点以设定临界限制如温度与时间,来建立预防措施。譬如就煮熟的食物来说,这可能包括设定最起码的烹煮温度与时间,以确保煮出来的食品是安全的。
  • Its ultimate aim is to convince the public , make them realise how evil the enemy is , and set the stage for the inteference , sedition or support of national terrorism , so as to achieve the goals of perpetuating a never - ending arms race and armed conflicts . to all of this , a noble reason is bestowed
    而其终极目的,则在于“说服公众,使人民了解敌人的邪恶,并设定干涉颠覆支持其国家恐怖主义的舞台,进而达到无休止的军备竞赛和武力冲突之目的,并使这一切都有高贵的理由。 ”
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