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  • Supreme court spokeswoman kathy arberg said rehnquist had " continued to perform his duties on the court until a precipitous decline in his health the last couple of days .
    美国最高法院女发言人凯西?阿尔贝格说伦奎斯特“一直带病坚持法院的工作,直到最后几天他的健康状况急剧恶化为止” 。
  • Supreme court spokeswoman kathy arberg said rehnquist had " continued to perform his duties on the court until a precipitous decline in his health the last couple of days .
    美国最高法院女发言人凯西阿尔贝格说伦奎斯特“一直带病坚持法院的工作,直到最后几天他的健康状况急剧恶化为止” 。
  • Citic first broached the subject of renegotiating the stake it would take in bear last november following a precipitous drop in the us bank ' s shares , according to people familiar with the matter
  • Mr baker , a former secretary of state and a long - time friend of the bush family , acknowledged that a precipitous withdrawal could cause a bloodbath inside iraq and perhaps provoke a wider regional war
  • It is claimed that the two climbed the precipitous mountains with astounding speed , bounding from rock to rock , the stranger carrying a keen - edged blade , vulkan with his immense silver - headed hammer held ready
  • In atlanta , the largest metropolitan area in the south - east , 3m residents will lose their main source of drinking water by january if the level of nearby lake lanier continues its precipitous drop
  • On top of the peak there is a temple of jade emperor in which the statue of the jade emperor is worshiped . the eighteen bends from duisong shan to the southheaven gate , the 1000 metre long precipitous steps look almost vertical from afar
  • It comprises of qutang gorge , wu gorge and xiling gorgeeach gorge has a unique character : qutang gorge is magnificent and precipitous , wu gorge is serene and picturesque , and xiling gorge is famous for its rough shoals and fierce currents
  • Construction of the great wall began during the spring and autumn period to the warring states period 770bc - 221bc , several ducal states built wall fortifications along the precipitous mountain ridges to ward off the plunder of nomadic people and the invasion of each other
    长城始建于春秋战国时期- 。各诸侯国为互相防御和抵御北方游牧部落的侵扰,在地形险要之处相继兴筑长城。
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