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  • Kirchhoff ' s current law postulates that the total current outflow from any p oint is 0
    基尔霍夫电流定律要求从任何点流出的总电流为0 。
  • The postulated mechanisms include dysfunction of the limbic or serotoninergic system
    假设的机制包括边缘系统或5 -羟色胺能系统功能障碍。
  • A second main element of beck ' s model is the postulated existence of “ cognitive schemata ”
  • These steps , known to microbiologists as koch ' s postulates , were established in the 19th century
  • He postulated that light , rather than flowing as a continuous wave of energy , travels in packets
  • Significance of the newly postulated marriage law in bettering and advancing china ' s family legal system
  • It still remains a theory which is postulated as a possible way that life came into existence on the earth
  • The vaisheshika system , which was founded by the sage kanada , postulates an atomic pluralism
  • She postulates that as this increases enough , there will be " light " at night radiating from the sky
    她猜想当它们足够增长时, “光明”就将在晚上自天空漏射而下。
  • The symbol x ( a , b ) is to be interpreted subject to this postulate , in case such interpretation is possible
    在这种解释成立时,符号x ( a , b )要按照这个公设来解释。
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