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  • He did not tell his daughter this ; but natasha perceived this dread and uneasiness of her fathers , and felt mortified by it
  • Due to his underestimation , marshal bush met his mortifying defeat in the decisive battle after most of his men were mowed down in an ambush
  • The boy felt a little foolish , and he said : " aunt polly , it seemed mortified , and it hurt so i never minded my tooth at all .
    这孩子觉得有点不好意思,于是他说: “波莉姨妈,脚趾头看着真像是发炎了,痛得我把牙的事忘得一干二净。 ”
  • I was knocked down , was the blunt explanation , jerked out of me by another pang of mortified pride ; but that did not make me ill ,
    “我是被人给打倒的, ”我脱口而出。由于自尊心再次受到伤害,引起了一阵痛楚,我冒昧地作了这样的辩解。
  • Vanity , it may be , chose to mortify itself , by putting on , for ceremonials of pomp and state , the garments that had been wrought by her sinful hands
  • But how could she dare to awaken him , and let him know what he had been doing , when it would mortify him to discover his folly in respect of her
  • The change that took place in natasha at first surprised princess marya ; but when she understood what it meant , that change mortified her
  • Of course , benevolence is not your strong point . when i am no longer capable of loving and admiring people and things ( not very many ) , i ' ll feel dead , mortified
    当然、宽宏气度并不是你的优点。假如我不再能够欣赏崇拜人跟事情(虽然不多) ,我会深觉惭愧难受。
  • When she came to that part of the letter in which her family were mentioned , in terms of such mortifying yet merited reproach , her sense of shame was severe
  • It was only looking at the sky that pierre forgot the mortifying meanness of all things earthly in comparison with the height his soul had risen to
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