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  • Nowdays , under the pressure of agricultural manufacture mostly depend on market , and the peasants requirements becomes excessive , to enhance the efficiency of the small farmer " economy in large market , decrease the risk and indeterminacy in market bargaining , there must have a organization to be the agency inter peasants and market , the organization must delegate benefit of the peasants straightly and in deed , so construct farmer cooperative organization is . very important we can know the facts through evaluate the performance of the peasants cooperative organization history : the knowledge about cooperative and follow which guidance have some relation in the development of peasants cooperative organization ; we should choose the gradually pattern for system flux , must consider the economic behavior expect in the main body of organization - the farms
  • In the following chapter , after introducing the basic theory of the conceptual network ( cn ) , the paper discusses it ' s features . aiming at solving the indeterminacy of knowledge expression , we propose a method to express domain knowledge by means of cn and bring forward strategy of constructing a professional domain conceptual network used to retrieve scientific papers . at the end of this part , the formation and derivation of nodes in the network are studied
    接下来本论文引入了概念网络( cn )的基本理论,探讨了概念网络的基本特点,针对知识表达的不确定性提出了使用概念网络表达领域知识的方法和用于论文检索的专业领域概念网的构建策略,对专业领域概念网的节点形成及派生做了有益的探讨。
  • This paper adopts critical theory of deconstruction which emerged in 1960s to analyze the novel " the old man with big wings " , coming up with the idea that the angel ' s journey to the world not only reveals hypocrisy , cruelty and egoism of the world and the gap between the human - beings and the god , or the virtue , but also deconstructs the logocentrism in the religion , the rational civilization and the ultimate meaning of the traditional metaphysics , and reveals the indeterminacy of the text to make readers get rid of the bounds of time and space , reading the novel from different angles , and reconstructing the text according to the reality
    摘要运用20世纪60年代兴起的解构主义批评手法分析马尔克斯小说《巨翅老人》 ,分析出文本中“天使”的人间之旅不仅是展示人间的虚伪、残酷、自私以及人间与上帝,即人间与美德之间隔膜的过程,更是对传统形而上学中宗教信仰、理性文明以及终极意义里的逻各斯中心主义的消解过程,是揭示不确定因素,使读者摆脱时空界限,从不同角度切入文本,审视文本,根据现实,重构文本的过程。
  • These factors have indeterminacy and the relationship between them is too complicated , so the urban government is the first force to push urban sustainable development forward . this paper analyses several major questions to realize chinese urban sustainable development , expounds principal functions of urban government . in this paper , a bp neuron model theory is introduced to evaluate satisfaction degree of urban sustainable development through matlab , which could serve for urban sustainable development strategy decision
  • Indeterminacy exists in the influencing factors and indoor air quality itself . based on assessment of indoor air quality and its application , we analyze the inherent characteristics and rules of this grey system , which generally we are short of adequate information to describe , using grey system theory . firstly , we analyze the influence of indoor air contaminations on inhabitants " subject evaluation to indoor air , and calculate the degree of grey incidence between indoor contamination level and dissatisfaction rate at indoor air or ill symptom rate
    针对室内空气品质问题本身及其影响因素存在的不确定性,本文围绕室内空气品质的评价及应用,运用灰色系统理论研究了这个“部分信息已知,部分信息未知”的“小样本” 、 “贫信息”不确定系统,通过对“部分”信息的生成、开发,实现对这一系统的正确把握和描述。
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