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in the intervals

"in the intervals"的翻译和解释


  • A novel cycloconverter - rype three - phase hf link inverter topology for soft - switching based on phase - shifted full - bridge mode is proposed , whose main advantages are as follows : under the conditions of d < i < and overlap - d , the switches of the leading leg are turned on at zvs and the switches of the lagging leg are turned off at zcs and all switches of the cycloconverter circuit are commutated in the overlapping mode in the interval of zero voltage , which makes the circuit realize soft switching to the utmost extent and reliably solve the problem of peak voltage caused by the storing energy of leakage inductance of hf transformer
    论文提出一种新型移相全桥软开关周波变流型三相高频链逆变器,电路的主要优点是:前级移相全桥的移相角控制在_ d _ i和_ ( overlap ) - _ d条件下,超前桥臂零电压开通,滞后桥臂零电流关断,并使周波变流器所有开关在零电压期间重叠换相,使整机开关最大程度地实现了软开关,并可靠解决了高频变压器漏感储能引起的电压尖峰问题。
  • The wood carving in jianchuan used for the table , chair , tea side - table of indoor hall decoration , there is the furniture of the kits , such as " shuangfengchaoyang " , " feilonglanyun " and " kongquekaiping " . etc . in the upscale furniture amount to 24 more , inset in the in the interval especially to seem to be more beautiful and generous up the marble
    剑川木雕用于室内厅堂摆设的桌椅凳茶几,高档家具中有“双凤朝阳” “飞揽云” “孔雀开屏”等配套的家具多达24件,特别是在其间?上大理石显得更加美观大方。
  • During the period of school work hard to study the software plait distance , combine to be engaged in the software plait work , can say that is what have no problem to the operation calculator . work hard to study the accountancy again after , be engaged in the accountancy the work two years long in tienjin city an electric appliances trading company , work in the interval responsible for the whole accountancy ' s itemses , the concrete items that work is what understand more to the accountancy
  • The beauty legend of asima , gorgeous and colorful embroidery of sani , the ancient and miraculous torch stanza , warmly quick song and dance of sani make the shilin s natural view and the humanities views to hand over to reflect mutually , they make the persons infatuate with in the interval , and it is hard to forget
    民族风情堪称石林一绝。 “阿诗玛”的美丽传说绚丽多彩的萨尼刺绣古老神奇的“火把节”热烈欢快的萨尼歌舞是石林的自然景观与人文景观交相辉映,令人陶醉其间,难以忘怀。
  • It need not be wondred at , if all these things took me up most part of the third year of my abode here ; for it is to be observ d , that in the intervals of these things , i had my new harvest and husbandry to manage ; for i reap d my corn in its season , and carry d it home as well as i could , and laid it up in the ear , in my large baskets , till i had time to rub it out ; for i had no floor to thrash it on , or instrument to thrash it with
  • Yet in the interval since crick s last view of them something had occurred which changed the pivot of the universe for their two natures ; something which , had he known its quality , the dairyman would have despised , as a practical man ; yet which was based upon a more stubborn and resistless tendency than a whole heap of so - called practicalities
  • This small lake was of most value as a neighbor in the intervals of a gentle rain - storm in august , when , both air and water being perfectly still , but the sky overcast , mid - afternoon had all the serenity of evening , and the wood thrush sang around , and was heard from shore to shore
  • The mistress visited her often in the interval , and commenced her plan of reform by trying to raise her self - respect with fine clothes and flattery , which she took readily ; so that , instead of a wild , hatless little savage jumping into the house , and rushing to squeeze us all breathless , there alighted from a handsome black pony a very dignified person , with brown ringlets falling from the cover of a feathered beaver , and a long cloth habit , which she was obliged to hold up with both hands that she might sail in
  • I imagined myself only to be regretting my loss , and thinking how to repair it ; but when my reflections were concluded , and i looked up and found that the afternoon was gone , and evening far advanced , another discovery dawned on me , namely , that in the interval i had undergone a transforming process ; that my mind had put off all it had borrowed of miss temple - or rather that she had taken with her the serene atmosphere i had been breathing in her vicinity - and that now i was left in my natural element , and beginning to feel the stirring of old emotions
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