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in a whisper

"in a whisper"的翻译和解释


  • He must force some talk . so he said in a whisper : " hucky , do you believe the dead people like it for us to be here ?
    汤姆被闷得受不住了,他必须打破沉默开口谈点话,他低声问道: “哈奇,你相信死人愿意我们到这儿来吗? ”
  • So , in a whisper , he asked the congregation . " all who want to go to heaven , please rise . " everyone got up except the snorer
    于是他低声对信徒们说: “想去天堂的人,都请站起来吧。 ”所有的人都站了起来? ?当然,除了那个打瞌睡的人。
  • My wife , however , next morning , at parting , after i had gone some paces from the door , called me back , to advise me , in a whisper , to have all my eyes about me
  • Sonya heard these words , and heard natasha say in a whisper : yes , i know shell see something ; she saw something last year too . for three minutes all were mute
    索尼娅听见这些话,并且听见娜塔莎用耳语说: “我知道,她准能看见,因为她旧年也看见了。 ”
  • Probably his face looked very terrible ; for the officer said something in a whisper , and four more uhlans left the rest , and stationed themselves both sides of pierre
  • And on the gentlemen s approaching , one of the girls moved closer to her than ever , and said , in a whisper , " the men shan t come and part us , i am determined
    他们进来以后,有一个姑娘又向伊丽莎白身边更挨近一些,跟她低声说道: “我决计不让这般男人来把我们分开。
  • Grey tihon in his wig , popping out at the door of the waiting - room , informed him in a whisper that the prince was taking a nap and made haste to close the door
  • She wouldn t understand the hint , but followed me to a sideboard , where i went to lay my bonnet , and importuned me in a whisper to give her directly what i had brought
  • There appearing to be no other door on that floor , and the keeper of the wine - shop going straight to this one when they were left alone , mr . lorry asked him in a whisper , with little anger
  • Strike at him ! the officer said almost in a whisper to the dragoons ; and one of the soldiers , his face suddenly convulsed by fury , struck vereshtchagin on the head with the flat of his sword
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