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  • Do not join a trademark to other words , symbols , or numbers , either as one word or with a hyphen
  • Symbols are not allowed , except for - hyphen , which can t be used at the beginning of the character string
    Org在内符号方面,您只能用连接号" - " ,但亦不能在第一个字时使用。感叹号!
  • Do not join a trademark to other words , symbols , or numbers , either as one word or with a hyphen
  • In any other location , the hyphen identifies a range of characters delimited by the characters on either side of the hyphen
  • The names of relevant design elements will be the skin group name followed by a hyphen followed by the skin type name
  • To use this character as a sentence boundary , neither the character to the left nor to the right of the hyphen can be a letter
  • “ when you drew that fish - and - chips sign , you should have put a hyphen between fish and and and and and chips ”
  • In the pattern string , and inside the brackets put the lowest and highest characters in the range , separated by a hyphen
  • Control for a phone number , you can verify that it contains only the appropriate characters numbers , parentheses , hyphens and so forth
    控件,则可以验证该控件是否只包含适当的字符(数字、括号、连字符等等) 。
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