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hammer out

"hammer out"的翻译和解释


  • What characterized them was the clumsiness of too great strength - the clumsiness which the tyro betrays when he crushes butterflies with battering rams and hammers out vignettes with a war - club
  • With clemens scratched , cashman said the yankees conducted in - house discussions throughout the team ' s 11 - 6 loss to the red sox in order to hammer out a possible fill - in starter for monday
  • To help solve that problem , cim work groups have been hammering out a set of definitions , which could break down the proprietary management information barriers once and for all
    为了有助于解决这个问题,公共信息模型( cim )小组已经制定出一组定义,可以一劳永逸地打破专有管理信息的壁垒。
  • Oasis has worked to be attractive as a venue for such standards , but there is still no shortage of people willing to start a mailing list thread with the goal of hammering out a de - facto standard
  • " we did not do it in a hasty manner , " explained qu ling , general manager of 263 . com unit in beijing , " the plan had been hammered out after an exhaustive scrutiny of the unique features in the domestic isp market
    图瓦鲁土地贫脊,缺乏耕地,只是一个珊瑚礁岛国,全国由9个珊瑚礁组成,整个国家海拔最高处不到4 . 5米。
  • The grand thing mr bush can do is to stop saying , as he did in annapolis last november , that it is for messrs olmert and abbas and nobody else to hammer out a two - state deal
  • Following the un climate change conference in bali , indonesia in december , work will now begin in earnest on hammering out a new global agreement on climate change to replace the kyoto protocol which expires in 2012
  • There was a change on the village where the fountain fell , and where the mender of roads went forth daily to hammer out of the stones on the highway such morsels of bread as might serve for patches to hold his poor ignorant soul and his poor reduced body together
  • The participants are still hammering out rules for their exchange but are reportedly considering giving utilities in their states the option to purchase allowances from the e . u . emissions trading system and offset credits from clean development projects
  • All three could imagine the ways rational tools might complement each other and benefit users if they were integrated , but until they took the time to hammer out a single vision we could all embrace , the team had difficulty finding its direction
    三位管理者都设想,如果将各自远景整合, rational工具可以互补并有利于用户,但是直到他们花费了大量的时间共同推敲出一个远景,团队竟发现很难找准方向。
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