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  • Fire consumes hundreds of dwellings in a manila shantytown , leaving about 1200 families homeless . residents grabbed buckets and scrambled to water , hoping to douse the flames
  • Fire consumes hundreds of dwellings in a manila shanty town , leaving about 1 , 200 families homeless . residents grabbed buckets and scrambled to water , hoping to douse the flames
  • Fire consumes hundreds of dwellings in a manila shanty town , leaving about 1 , 200 families homeless . residents grabbed buckets and scrambled to water , hoping to douse the flames
  • Add cut chillies without dousing them with soy sauce , or add only one or two drops . use mustard and ketchup instead of mayonnaise on burgers and sandwiches , and pepper or lemon juice instead of salt
  • Habits : known for casual dress , he cruises the office shoeless and in a sport shirt ? ? but don ' t mistake him for laid - back . snacks on granola doused with apple juice
    习惯:乔伯斯是一个以便装形象出名的人。在办公室里,他从不穿鞋,并且总是穿着一件运动衫? ?但是,请不要误解为他是一个松懈懒散的人。他喜欢将格兰诺拉麦片蘸上苹果汁来吃。
  • The duck is first seasoned with orange peel , cinnamon , parsley and a mix of other spices and condiments . it is then marinated in rice wine , before being smoked over a charcoal fire , which is doused with tea leaves to develop a rich aroma and pleasant smoky taste
  • Grits look like white , lumpy oatmeal and have less taste than wall - paper paste unless and until they are liberally doused with butter , salt , and gravy ( especially red - eye gravy , which is made with pan drippings and coffee )
    玉米糁看上去就像是团块状的白色燕麦粥,如果不拌上大量的黄油、盐和肉汁(尤其是火腿汁,由加蒌叶的烤肉油汁和咖啡制成) ,那味道比贴墙纸用的浆糊还要差。
  • In a series of experiments , they demonstrated that healthy rats will prudently avoid areas that have been doused with cat urine . in fact , when scientists test anti - anxiety drugs on rats , they use a whiff of cat urine to induce neurochemical panic
  • In a series of experiments , they demonstrated that healthyratswill prudently avoid areas that have been doused with caturine . infact , when scientists test anti - anxiety drugs on rats , they use awhiff of cat urine to induce neurochemical panic . however , it turns out that toxoplasma - ridden rats show nosuchreaction
  • When hands are dry , silver lon included in the smooth cream and coagulate dew can restrain the development of bacteria on hands continually , prevent second infection of exotic bacteria smooth cream and coagulate dew all possess the function of disinfection and anti - bacteria before it is involuntary douse or water letion
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